Being a resident of Ohio, I am not exactly bumping into celebrities on a daily basis. That's why conventions are so great to attend, I get to meet a lot of people I'd never otherwise get to talk to. At Mid-Ohio Con last November (my first ever booth at a convention) I took a break from my booth and got to meet Michael Berryman, star of many horror and sci-fi films and all-around nice guy. He's probably best known for his role in the 1977 The Hills Have Eyes, but he's appeared in many other films like Weird Science and One flew over the cuckoo's nest. He continues to star in films and works with numerous charity organizations.

The night before the second day of the convention I drew a portrait of his character "Lisker" the alien antagonist from The Guyver, in both his human and alien forms.

I gave the original to Michael, who seemed really touched by it. He signed a copy of it for me, also signing my buddy Wayne's copy of the film. We got to talk with him and he shared a wealth of advice and many stories about working with Mark Hamill, Jack Nicholson, and the movie biz in general. I can honestly say that he's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and it was truly an honor that he enjoyed my work.