March 19th and 20th I'll be showing artwork and taking sketch commissions at S.P.A.C.E. the Small Press Alternative Comics Expo. It will be full of independent comics artists and publishers, so hopefully I can give out some business cards and meet some new faces. I'll have my table next to Mike Eshelman who'll be selling his awesome bead sculptures of 8-bit video game characters again. In the meantime I just sent off my entries in the 18th annual Spectrum competition, I feel I've made some much better stuff since the last time I entered, so here's hoping I make the finals.
Also, as I've failed to explain in detail, I am now living in Columbus taking classes at CCAD, a very nice art school. This week I start my second semester, so I thought I'd share one of my projects from last semester's art history class.
We were assigned to create our own work of art inspired by one of the works of art from an ancient culture we studied. I chose the giant stone statue of the Aztec goddess Coatlicue, and decided to draw what she might have looked like in real life to inspire such a statue from the Aztecs. (A tad gruesome, but the Aztec deities weren't very cuddly themselves, and I stayed pretty close to the original sculpture)
Here's looking forward to a great new semester, and more fun art assignments.