Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Contest pieces

Here's a couple pieces I made for the Gnomon Workshop's annual online contests. The first one's theme was the phrase "the descent" so I drew up an image of a fallen angel plummeting through the atmosphere. (I didn't get a place in the contest, but it was a lot of fun drawing and coloring this piece.)

Here's the piece for this month's contest, wherein our theme is the phrase "the road". Mine depicts a scene where a prison inmate, assigned to roadside cleanup, finds some unusual roadkill. I always thought the side of the road would be an unexpected place to find a supernatural creature.

I also recently joined Sketch Theater (a division of Gnomon). This piece was created for their monthly contest, the theme was combat android. Hadn't drawn a robot in long time, so this was a nice exercise.

In other news, I have finally caved in and joined facebook (though many of you already know that). Though some of my art is also on my facebook page, I have a new blog that will function as my real online portfolio. Check it!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

As of 9:30-ish this morning, I'm now 21. This means I'm considered almost adult enough to be able to rent a car, (3 more years!). Anyhow, we celebrated the 4th of July yesterday by watching Jaws. The way I see it, not only does the film take place on the 4th of July, but the Star Spangled Banner is also a great song to blow up a killer shark to. It also helps that Jaws is one of my all-time favorite movies, I even got a t-shirt at Heroes Con featuring Robert Shaw's cryptic chalkboard drawing. I can't drag my fingernails across the shirt to make that same noise, but I suppose that's just as well.

In other news, I will shortly be sending out promotional postcards of my work to several magazine publishers to advertise my illustration and cartooning services. These examples omit my contact info, but this is roughly what they'll look like.

If you would like one (and need any cartooning or illustrating services), drop me a comment and I'll see what I can do.

Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain.
For we've received orders for to sail back to Boston,
And so never more shall we see you again.
